General Administration Feedback Form

General Administration Feedback Form

For Each item, Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement by choosing a [v] Score between 1 and 5. A Higher Score indicates a stronger agreement with the statement.

Q.1. Is the office helpful in administrative matters

Q.2. Do you receive the mark statements in time and easily

Q.3. Are there enough clean class rooms available In the Department

Q.4. Are the toilets Cleaned properly

Q.5. Are you provided with enough drinking water

Q.6. Are you happy with the food served in the present Canteen

Q.7. Do You think that your grievances are redressed

Q.8. All the academic processes of the institute is transparent

Q.9. Are the Lab. Equipment’s are in proper working Conditions

Q.10. Are you provided with adequate quantity of chemicals and specimen for carrying out Lab. Activities

Q.11. The institute provides sufficient opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities

Q.12. Are you a beneficiary of free education scheme of your institution

Q.13. Overall Rating

Q.14. Any If any other suggestions/remarks